Previous films adapted from Frank Miller's comic book (Sin City and 300) have pretty much given me an idea of what to expect as the story and art direction does not deviate much from pulp. The sepian monochrome and colour highlights of his evolved silhouette inking styles are totally alike in many of his fantastic black and white comic books. This film makes little distinction from any of those other movies except Frank Miller did the full works (from script to direction) for this adaption although I do not remember Frank Miller pencilling nor inking this title in the past.
Although the story is fairly straight forward, the overall experience is still quite an awesome one.
However, this may not be the best adaption among the three we have seen so far as it did fall a little short on the depth of the story. But what the story lacks, the femme fatales more than make up for in skin tight leather bodysuits and cleavages.
Eva Mendes and Scarlett Johansson 'nuff said!
There are also some very recognizable classic comic relief as how it would have been in most comics of that era.
Samuel L. Jackson does what he does best as the BMF (again...) but honestly, too much of a good thing may not be that good sometimes...
Having waited for this movie to open as the poster clearly states 'Christmas 2008' made me wonder why I have not seen it on any of the major screens anywhere. A quick check revealed that this is an 'exclusive' film only screened in Eng Wah cinemas in Singapore. And why that is completely puzzles me...
I caught this on a Friday afternoon and it was the FIRST time, as far as I can remember, being the ONLY person in the cinema. Trust me, watching the film alone and being the only person there is quite a different experience really...
Do stay to appreciate the art of the Spirit by Frank Miller sprawled along the two sides of the credit list.
For those who have been looking forward to catching it, please do so soon as there is no saying how long more it will stay on the big screen.